Awake Marketing + Tim Tebow = Changing Lives

Awake Marketing Agency had the honor of partnering with Allstate, Tim Tebow, and other agencies to help renovate the Boys & Girls Club recently! The much needed renovation came in the form of painting a cafeteria/auditorium from floor to ceiling, hand-painting a mural to hang on the walls, hanging acoustic panels all around the room, and much more! There were over 50 volunteers on-hand to help in the efforts, and nearly 80 at-risk youth who lent a helping hand in changing their future. Among the volunteers were Tim Tebow, former University of Florida quarterback, who went on to play in the NFL, as well as a few other professional athletes. But the best volunteers were the youth who seemed to enjoy working hard to help improve their environment and their place of refuge.
Awake Marketing is an experiential marketing agency that loves giving back to the community as often as possible. Rolling up your sleeves, getting dirty, having fun and making a difference is what community service is all about. We are grateful for the opportunity to help rebuild something that means so much to so many.
Find out how Awake Marketing Agency can help your community, and how we can help Bring Your Brand to Life!